4 Words to Grow as a Leader
One of the core attributes of a leader is the fact that there are people following their lead. Whether it is one person or thousands of people, leaders have followers.
Getting people to choose you as a leader and follow you willingly does not happen by accident. It occurs when people believe they can trust you. Trust is a precious gift we steward as leaders.
In order to cultivate trust in relationships, you need a level of rapport. More simply put - I am able to trust a person when I feel like I can connect with them as an individual.
To truly connect with someone it requires a level of vulnerability…they have to be able to see your heart. This is why great leaders lead from the heart.
If you find yourself wanting to grow as a leader, embrace these 4 words as a process:
Heart —> Connect —> Trust —> Follow
These 4 words help us understand the process of engaging as a leader:
When you lead with heart, people are able to connect with you.
When people connect with you, they have a chance to trust you.
When trust exists, it is easier for people to choose to follow you.
These words can also help us diagnose an issue when our leadership is struggling:
People won’t follow you if they cannot trust you
They will find it hard to trust you if they are unable to connect with you
In order to connect with you, people have to see your heart
My encouragement for you today? Wherever you lead - lead from the heart.