Be A People Lifter
In a world that is fast moving, take a moment to slow down.
In a culture that is harsh, find a way to express kindness.
In places where people tend to be minimized, take the opportunity to lift others up.
We were created to be people lifters.
Take a moment to consider the roles you hold in life.
Team Member/Volunteer/Coach
With each role you hold in life, you are afforded an opportunity. You have the chance to lift others up, to make much of the people around you. You have the ability to promote others, to champion others and to use your voice in their life as a source of hope and encouragement.
It is refreshing when we interact with people who live this way – because more often than not, people use their roles and opportunity as a tool for self-promotion.
Perhaps you are friends with that person.
Perhaps you have worked with that person.
Perhaps you have been that person.
This isn’t meant to call anyone out. It is an invitation to live in such a way that offers greater joy by focusing on the needs of others more than yourself.
We have the opportunity to leverage our roles in life as a tool to lift others up, promote others, serve others and value others above self.
Why not give yourself to this work today? You will be better for it, and so will your community.