How to Grow a Volunteer Team
Growing a team might be one of the most challenging and rewarding things you can do as a leader. There is nothing quite like gathering a group of people, helping them to come together and work in coordination to fulfill a vision. A group of people working together can accomplish more than we could ever imagine.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world…”– Margaret Mead
So what does it look like to grow a team? If you find yourself in the pilot’s seat, what do you need to pay attention to so your team can soar?
Here are 3 areas a leader must give special attention to when growing their team:
• Recruiting – This is the skill of galvanizing people to your team. Recruiting is the lifeblood of any volunteer run organization. Do you find yourself consistently inviting new people to join your team…or do you tend to circle back to the same 5-7 people every time there is a need? Recruiting is all about establishing relationships and providing clear invitations.
• Integration – This is the skill of establishing people on your team. Integration is the bridge you build that helps disconnected people become connected. It is all about systems and processes that help engage. When people have an interest in joining your they tend to land on your team? Integration is about ensuring people connect through a clear and timely plan
• Retention – This is the skill of keeping people on your team. Retention helps ensure that your team is made up of more than rookies. We all feel pressure as leaders – is the pressure you feel from an increased scope of responsibility or a diminishing roster on your team? Retention is about engaging volunteers with an environment full of care and rich with vision.
No matter the health or longevity of your team, every team goes through seasons when one of these areas needs attention. The work of recruiting, integrating and retaining are skillsets which we continue to hone over time.
On your team, which of these 3 area needs your time and attention today?