Mission Over Machine

  • You and I have a mission.

  • The machine serves the mission.

  • You and I do not serve the machine.

On paper these are obvious statements. However, over time the systems, processes and machines we build to facilitate our mission can subtly take over. (Don’t worry – this is not an AI conspiracy warning).

It is rarely intentional. We start by having a highly valuable mission - something worth giving your time and energy towards. Over time the scope of our valuable work requires something to be engineered to help us continue to grow and improve. Think Henry Ford and the assembly line.

The danger for you and I is when we become particularly fond of the engineering that has taken place. We fall in love with the method or model and confuse it as being the most important piece of the puzzle.

Personally, I have to pay specific attention to this when it comes to working with volunteers and serving guests. When the mission allows you to serve large numbers of people - you spend a lot of time focusing on processes, numbers and the activity which makes it all possible. 

These things are extremely important. They are not the end goal.

    • The goal is to serve people well, the processes help us serve people well

    • The goal is stories of impact, and the numbers point to an individual with a story

    • The goal is better lives, the activity, good work and effort help transform us so we can have a better life.

You and I have to make sure our priority stays on mission, not the machine.

You have a machine that serves your mission. You have systems to tend to, numbers to track and activity to manage. These things help your mission go farther, faster.

As you lean into these tools, be sure you keep your attention and priority on the mission. The mission can and should be that enduring work that is most worthy of your time and attention.


Are you leading a team or a work group?


Being Present > Being Perfect